Tag: Coquina Law Group

Navigating Insurance Litigation for Commercial Property Damage Claims

Commercial property damage can be costly and stressful for any business owner. Many business owners first file an insurance claim to cover repairs or replacement costs when damage occurs. Unfortunately, insurance claims for commercial property damage can often lead to litigation. Insurance litigation can be complex and overwhelming, especially for those unfamiliar with the legal […]

Settling vs. Going to Court in Insurance Litigation: Pros and Cons

Insurance litigation disputes can be a headache. They’re stressful and confusing, often involving legalese and adjusting jargon. But in the end, there are only two options: settle or file suit. If you’re considering doing either, you must understand each option to make an informed decision about what’s best for your case. Settling vs. Going to […]

Understanding Insurance Litigation: What It Is and Why It Matters

When an insurance company fails to uphold its end of a contract, litigation may be the only way to solve these legal issues. Insurance litigation lawyers can help you understand your rights and options when this happens. Understanding the importance of litigation and how to protect your rights is essential, and this article will help […]